Friday, May 25, 2007

Delay in Podcasts!

Im truly sorry guys, this is all my fault that we can't record another one soon. I will be free again on June 2nd and we will record that day 100 percent! Not that we have many fans yet but we gotta try.
We will be rebuilding the structure...well there was no structure to begin with so we will be MAKING one. Now the thing is that we have segments now with intros for each. I will record them seperatly and then edit them while at the end I will put them together with the intros as filling to put the entire show together. If we use skypecast I will have to mute the people who are not in the segment. Here is the list of the segments so far:
Nintendo News - Basic
Delio's Pokemon Minute(working tittle lol)
What else ya got? - segment for other gaming.
Upcoming and New Releases
Mini Movie Review - Only for a big movie
Mini Game Review - Only for a big game (i.e. Metroid 3)
Knights Roundtable - focus on a big topic to discuss
Now the main thing about most of our segments is that we aiming to be an audience based podcast. What I mean is that the audience send us questions for each segment for us to answer and when a segment doesn't get any then we don't put it on the show. Since this will be our first show we will do the segments without the Q&A.. it will be incorporated when we start getting enough emails. For now we can do something different with them. Like for example for "What else ya got?" we can talk about games that went unnoticed that shouldnt have. For the Pokemon segment Delio can talk about a certain pokemon or give tips. The biggest audience based segment is the Roundtable because YOU have to send us what YOU want us to discuss and we will pick it and say who sent it in.. now of course if 10 or more sent it in we cant just sit here and say all the names. We will probably just list the names on this blog.
Ok guys, thats all I have to tell you for now! Sorry for the troubles and I hope to give you a really professional yet entertaining podcast next Saturday!

Next Podcast : 06/02/07

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