Friday, May 22, 2009

Metroid x 3 = Complete awesome!

Oh Metroid Prime, how we love you! So, naturally, we are incredibly happy Nintendo is giving us all three of your games on one convenient disc! The two GameCube games, Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: echos, have been reworked with full widescreen, 480p support and feature the same awesome Wii Remote and Nunchuk control that will still be present in Metroid prime 3: Corruption. This trilogy will be releashed August 24th, almost the exact day of Metroid Prime 3's two year anniversary. The U.S lucked out, Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were released individually in Japan, so be happy!


Linz1010 said...

Yeah, it's funny, if you goggle Metroid Prime trilogy there are tons of articles saying its fake, or never going to happen. However, Ign got to preview, so it's definitely coming

Wiimo said...

New controls, widescreen, added bloom lighting, faster load times, and the tokens in all 3 games. Count me in. :D

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....