Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Intergalactic Emergency!

Samus Aran is without a doubt the most badass heroine in the video game world. Last we've seen her she was destroying the planet Phaaze, the source of the volitile substance Phazon. Today at Nintendo's conference, Reggie unveiled Metroid: Other M. The fruition of the collaboration from Team Ninja and Nintendo's efforts. From the video I've seen, the game looks utterly remarkable. Sure it's mostly CGI cinematics in the trailer but damn does it rock. Now if you're a die-hard fan of the series then I'm sure you had watched the video numerous times. Analyzing every frame to reveal something we missed on first glance. I've noticed different Metroid forms like in Metroid 2 and Mother Brain's advanced form as she was in Super Metroid. What does this mean exactly? Well since we don't have any full details as of yet, this is my assumption. The game is subtitled Other M which could stand for other memory. Perhaps we get to replay her past adventures again or it's simply her memories relived in a part of a grander aspect within the plotline. My assumption is the latter. Whatever the reason may be, I intend to buy this game as soon as it's released next year. Watch the video and drool in amazment. 


Wiimo said...

Great post. This is my favorite announcement from Nintendo's conference. New Mario is always welcome, but a fresh spin on Metroid is something I anticipate even more. Nintendo & Team Ninja working together.. never thought I'd see the day!

raith said...

Me too! Golden Sun then THIS??! Best E3 in years!